Circulation of mercury released by gold miners.
It is just an example how mercury pollution comes in our ecosystem 
Metallic mercury (Hg0) is used for refining placer ores in most of the gold mines, During use or after use it is released from miners’ rafts into the river water.As it is just a wastage after processing the ore. The amount or concentration of mercury is very high in the disposed materials
Of all that amount, 55-60% evaporates, while the remaining 40-45% falls into the water.
See the chemical reaction that causes this problem more serious.
In the air, the evaporated Hg0 is oxidized by water (H2O) and ozone (O3), and becomes mercury ion (Hg2+), which then falls onto the ground with rain.
If it falls on ground of acid soil (around pH4), Hg2+ transforms to organic methylmercury (Hg(CH3)+), which is the immediately taken in by organisms living in the soil.
The methylmercury then undergoes bioaccumulation through the food web.

Bio-accumulated methylmercury enters in our food chain and creates health problem to
us. Mercury is poisonous in all forms - inorganic, organic or elemental. Methyl mercury is a neurotoxicant: it can damage the developing brain as it crosses the placental and blood-brain barriers easily. The threat to the unborn is, therefore, of particular concern. It can also trigger depression and suicidal tendencies, paralysis, kidney failure, Alzheimer's disease, speech and vision impairment, allergies, hypospermia and impotence.

Where does mercury come from?
main emitter is burning coal in the coal factory. Mercury is inherently with coal and while burning the coal emits it to environment as gaseous form.
Thermometer, CFL bulbs, mercury tubes are main and major source of mercury pollution in most of the developing and developed countries.
In developed country there is regulation to control it but in developing country there is no regulation to control pollution because of it.
When i contacted central pollution control board of india they don't have a single bit of information on it. See how our country will lead above others.