Biogas production plant diagram
Biogas is produced by decomposition of organic matters in the absence of oxygen. These organic matters consist of cow dung, agriculture waste, kitchen waste, human excreta or other naturally found organic substance. These organic matters are supposed to be waste and are not used for any further things. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic bacteria or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material and crops. But technical advancement led to converting these waste to production of biogas and organic manure. Both biogas and organic manures are highly beneficial things for the people. Biogas can be used for cooking; vehicle fuel in place of cng and organic fertilizers can be used as fertilizers in field.
Why biogas is required:-
Whole world is in crisis of energy, all are dependent on fuel. These fuels are going to exhaust soon apart from these things utilization of fuel is causing a huge problem to our environment. Global warming and
pollutions are among them. Bio gas has become one of the best alternatives for huge demand of energy. Bio gas can be utilized in various ways from production of heat to electricity to running of vehicle.
Bio gas chemistry:- Biogas is primarily methane (60%), carbon dioxide and may have small amount of hydrogen sulphide, moisture and siloxanes. Methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be combusted with oxygen to produce heat energy. Heat energy can be used for cooking, engine or any other purpose.

Composition in methane-50-75%; carbon dioxide- 25-50%; Nitrogen- 0-10%; Hydrogen-0-1%, Hydrogen sulphide-0-3%.
Benefits of biogas:- Use of biogas having lot of advantage and because of that whole world is enhancing its capacity for biogas production and utilization. Biogas has produced 3% of electricity demand in north America. In addition, biogas could potentially help reduce global climate change. Normally, manure that is left to decompose releases two main gases that cause global climate change: Nitrogen dioxide and methane Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) warms the atmosphere 310 times more than carbon dioxide and methane 21 times more than carbon dioxide

Application of biogas:- Biogas can be used for electricity production on sewage works, in a CHP gas engine, where the waste heat from the engine is conveniently used for heating the digester, cooking space heating, water heating, and process heating. If compressed it can replace compressed natural gas for use in vehicles where it can fuel and internal combustion engine or fuel cells and is a much more effective of carbon dioxide that the normal use in on-site CHP plants.